Why “Self Adjusting” Is Harmful
Your Doctor of Chiropractic is well versed and trained to asses spinal misalignment and treat them...
Why Monthly Chiropractic Care Is Important For Your Health!
How Does Chiropractic Work?
Having trouble really understanding how chiropractic works? Here is a fantastic example! Your brain communicates with your body through your nervous system. The spine houses the spinal cord. When the spine shifts, locks in various positions, is injured...or having...
How Does Chiropractic Work?
Having trouble really understanding how chiropractic works? Here is a fantastic example! Your brain communicates with your body through your nervous system. The spine houses the spinal cord. When the spine shifts, locks in various positions, is injured...or having...
How Does Chiropractic Effect You?
Do you know how vertebral subluxations (misalignment) might effect your body and nervous system? Example: Stomach indigestion...1 of 2 scenarios 1. Poor diet leading to decreased production of stomach acid causing a "viscero-somatic" response. 2. Pressure on a nerve...
Acid Reflux
What a pesky thing for your stomach to not work as it should! Do you know what acid reflux truly is? Most people understand it to be from acidic, spicy, fried foods, etc. While these foods may lead to stomach upset, this is NOT the main cause. What happens, is we have...
Normal Cervical Curve VS. Compressed Cervical Curve
Normal "C" curve VS. Straight Neck "Military" Neck: 1.) Your cervical spine (NECK) is the most important part of your spine. Every aspect of your spinal column is important to your overall health. Your cervical spine sets the bar if you will for the rest of the spine....
Apple Cider Vinegar for your Health!
Apple Cider Vinegar...The Wonder Drug! Helping kill bacteria/viruses/microbes while alkalizing your internal pH. Did you know a more alkaline body pH = a Healthier YOU? Acidic pH = Poor Health/Inflammation/Disease/Illness Alkaline pH = Good Health & Ease From...
Core Stability
CORE STABILITY: Did you know that your core which is made up of your obliques, rectus abdominis, transverse abdominis, multifidus, pelvic floor, erector spinae & quadratus lumborum...all muscles that stabilize your core and spine. How can you strengthen these...